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This short movie explains the function as well as the correct use of a desiccator.

The desiccator is a vacuum stable glass apparatus consisting of a lower part with shelf and an upper part with valve. Both parts have ground glass joints which are greased to allow the work under vacuum conditions. The storage of a solid under vacuum and above a drying agent, e.g. calcium chloride, facilitates the removal of water or a volatile solvent for the correct determination of the yield or the avoidance of impurities for following analytical studies. The usual drying time is about an hour but can vary due to the beginning grade of dryness and the quality of the applied vacuum. Working with a desiccator requires the awareness of several aspects: before opening you should test if vacuum is still applied; the ground glass joints should always be greased well for a long maintenance of the vacuum; even though it might be hard to open the desiccator, you should always apply your strength sensibly in order to avoid damage; to protect the solid from turbulences when venting the desiccator, you should use aluminum foil or the like.